Abstract visualisation of a calculator made with react native

Building a Simple Calculator App using React Native in 2024

Italo Orihuela
Italo Orihuela
Jan 19, 2024

React Native is a popular framework for building mobile applications using JavaScript and leveraging the power of React. In this blog post, we will walk through the process of creating a simple calculator app using React Native. This calculator will be able to perform basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.


Before we start, make sure you have the following installed on your system:

  • Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager)
  • React Native CLI (Command Line Interface)
  • A code editor (like Visual Studio Code)
  • An emulator or a real device to run the app (like Android Studio for Android emulation)

Step 1: Setting Up the Project

First, we need to set up a new React Native project. Open your terminal and run the following command:

This command creates a new directory named CalculatorApp with all the necessary files and folders for a React Native application.

Step 2: Creating the Calculator Layout

Next, let’s create the layout for our calculator. We’ll need a display area for the calculations and buttons for the digits and operations. Here’s a simple layout:

{ return ( 0 {}} /> {/* Add more buttons */} ); }; export default Calculator; “>

Step 3: Adding Functionality

Now, let’s add functionality to our calculator. We’ll need to update the display when a button is pressed and perform the calculations when an operation button is pressed.

In this updated code, I’ve added the pressButton, pressOperator, and calculate functions to handle button presses and perform calculations. The pressButton function updates the display when a digit button is pressed. The pressOperator function stores the current number and operator when an operator button is pressed. The calculate function performs the calculation when the equals button is pressed.

I’ve also added more buttons for the digits and operations. Each button uses the onPress prop to handle button presses. The digit buttons call the pressButton function with the digit as the argument. The operator buttons call the pressOperator function with the operator as the argument. The equals button calls the calculate function.

Step 4: Styling the App

Finally, let’s add some styles to our app to make it look more like a calculator. We will use the StyleSheet component from React Native to create a style object, which we can then use to style our components.

Here’s the code for the styles:

In this code, we define styles for the container, display, display text, and buttons. The container style makes the container take up the full screen and centers its children. The display style adds a background color, padding, margin, and border radius to the display. The displayText style sets the font size and color of the display text. The buttons style arranges the buttons in a grid with space between them.

Now, let’s apply these styles to our components:

In this code, we apply the styles to the components using the style prop. The style prop accepts a style object, which we get from our styles object.

Full Code

Here’s the full code for the calculator app:

Final Thoughts

Building a simple calculator app is a great way to learn React Native. It covers many fundamental concepts like state management, event handling, and styling. However, this is just the beginning. React Native offers many more features and capabilities that you can explore to build more complex and powerful apps. Once you brought your app idea to life, we suggest you start monetizing it by adding in-app purchases.

I hope you found this guide helpful. Happy coding! 😊

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